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                Qinghai Huangyuan County banned businesses "150 yuan sky high hydrogen peroxide", the Commission for Discipline Inspection involved in the investigation


                In view of the phenomenon of "high price of oxygen for 150 yuan along the tour", the person in charge of the Qinghai Xining Huangyuan County Committee Propaganda Department and the Huangyuan county development and Reform Commission, the responsible person related to the price inspection of the Huangyuan county development and Reform Commission, told www.thepaper.cn on 17 July that the sale of a single price of 150 yuan "high oxygen water" is a fraudulent consumer behavior, and the county is now completely banned. Conduct an investigation of the irregular operation of shops along the lines. At the same time, the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and supervision committee has been involved in the investigation, and it will deal with the units and cadres that are not well supervised.

                In July, the 11 China Daily reported that there was a high price of "high oxygen water" in the small Gaoling area of Huangyuan county. From the news released by the netizen, the news found that when the bus went to Qinghai, when the bus went to Huangyuan, there would be a "white coat" on the car to sell "high oxygen water" with 150 yuan per bottle, and claimed that the plateau reaction could be prevented. After the purchase of tourist search found that the price of the network is only 25 yuan a bottle.

                China News Network reported that the Xining Tourism Bureau issued a supervision notice to the Huangyuan county government on 28 June, calling for the closure and rectification. Subsequently, the relevant departments of Huangyuan county government did not ban or shut down as required, but only fined them.

                Huangyuan County food and drug and Market Supervision Bureau issued a report on the sale of high oxygen water in small Gaoling area in Huangyuan in July 12th. The report mentioned that in June 29th, the Department of food and drug and market supervision, cultural tourism, price and other departments of the county on the oxygen supply station and "high oxygen water" along the 109 National Road in the county Sales outlets conducted joint law enforcement inspection, and found that there were 6 places selling high oxygen water at high prices. According to the "price law of the People's Republic of China", the joint law enforcement inspection team made a decision on the deadline for rectification of 4 illegal business premises on the same day.

                Huangyuan county development and Reform Commission, the director of the price check of Zhao on July 17 to surging news confirmed, according to "Qinghai province price supervision and inspection measures" and business invoices information, selling a unit price of 150 yuan "high oxygen water", is indeed a violation of fraudulent consumer behavior. Zhao said that, in order to prevent the continued occurrence of such problems, the leading group in the county's peak tourist season is currently conducting one by one investigation to the shops along the 109 National Road.

                On the same day, Huangyuan County Committee Propaganda Department staff told the surging news, July 10th net aeration "high oxygen water" after, the county government again responsible for the relevant departments to quickly assault the inspection, found that businessmen in the deadline is still refusing to rectify, that is, the 6 businesses in accordance with the law to the upper limit of 5000 Yuan fines, shut down and revoke 4 violations Operating "high oxygen water" business license, and dismantling the outdoor advertising sites.

                The staff of the Ministry of propaganda said that the people's Government of Huangyuan county held a press conference in July 13th that the relevant departments will carry out a comprehensive survey on all the shopping sites in the tourist market and carry out special regulation on the marketing order in the whole county. In view of the poor supervision, inaction and slow action of the regulatory units and cadres in the law enforcement work, the County Commission for Discipline Inspection has been involved in the investigation and will be responsible for dealing with the relevant units and individuals.

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