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                Technical ability

                Technological Development

                As a member of the world's leading auto parts manufacturer CITIC Deckard Co., Ltd., Deckajeli has complete product development capabilities. It can realize product development and process development in the whole process of product design, structure analysis, forming analysis and sample trial-manufacture. It can meet the design requirements and technical standards of different customers. According to the development process system of each OEM and the requirements of the quality management system, the whole product supply from the OTS sample to the SOP product is completed in the whole process.

                At the same time, in the customer concept stage, we will also according to customer needs, to provide different design of parts solutions. We offer various appearance schemes such as full coating, fine car, silver plated special paint to meet the personalized needs of customers and the market.

                Through a large number of host plants, such as European, North American, domestic joint ventures and independent brands, Dika jigjaki is based on the molding process of low pressure casting, completing the exploration of water cooling technology to achieve the level of production, and exploring a variety of material forming processes in the industry, such as spinning, edge pouring, tilting and so on. In the future, customers will be successful in the demand for High-Performance Lightweight products.

                Test Ability

                The testing center was established in May 2012 and has been equipped with more than six years of development, such as spectrophotometer, electronic balance, Brinell hardness tester, Richter hardness tester, thickness gauge, microcomputer controlled electronic universal testing machine, metallographic microscope, bending fatigue test machine, 13 degree impact tester, 90 degree punch. Shock tester, radial fatigue tester, salt spray tester, gravel impact tester, PH meter, thickness gauge, drying box, illumination tester, color contrast lamp box, etc.

                A number of experiments were carried out to meet the needs of automobile hub production, such as 13 degree impact test, 90 degree impact test, radial fatigue test, bending fatigue test, lithotripsy impact test, chemical composition analysis, mechanical performance testing, hardness testing, metallographic analysis, grain degree test, tissue penetration test, wheel hub color standard, Maintenance and calibration of measuring instruments such as ratio, length, salt spray test, paint performance test, solid content analysis, etc.

                Aptitude Honor

                ICP备案证书编号↑: 渝ICP备18009549号 渝公网⊙安备50010702503977号 技术支持: 太轮科技