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                About us

                Chongqing Dicastal Jieli Wheel Manufacturing Co.,LTD

                Chongqing Daika Jieli Wheel Hub Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was established in 2010 by Chongqing Jieli Wheel Hub Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and CITIC Daika Co., Ltd. (the world's largest manufacturer of automotive wheels and chassis components, accounting for 10% of the shares). The company has a registered capital of 150 million yuan and specializes in the production and operation of automotive aluminum alloy wheels. The company currently has nearly 900 employees, with engineering and technical personnel accounting for 10%.

                The company has passed the IATF 16949:2016 quality management system certification, ISO14001:2015 environmental management system certification, OHSAS 18001:2007 occupational health and safety management system certification, Japan VIA laboratory certification, and Austria TUV certification; Approved by Chongqing Technology Center in 2014; Approved as a high-tech enterprise in Chongqing in 2015; Passed the national second level safety standardization acceptance in March 2016; In 2020, the company's 2 # production line was awarded the title of Chongqing Intelligent Factory; Selected as a Chongqing May Day Labor Award Enterprise in 2021.In 2022, awarded as a "specialized, refined, and innovative" enterprise in Chongqing; Top 100 manufacturing companies in Chongqing in 2022.

                Main customers: Changan Ford, Changan Motors, Changan Peugeot, Dongfeng Nissan, GAC Toyota, GAC Honda, GAC Mitsubishi, GAC Passenger Cars, Sichuan Toyota, Volvo, Link, Volkswagen, Hyundai, DPCA, Geely, Dongfeng Xiaokang, SAIC Wuling, North Star, etc.

                The company is located in Xipeng Industrial Park, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing, covering an area of about 500 acres. The designed production capacity of car wheels is 10 million pieces, and currently has an annual production capacity of 8 million pieces of car wheels.

                园林︽式厂区 办公大楼 产品库房 生活区 技术中心
                ICP备案证书◥编号: 渝ICP备18009549号 渝公网安备50010702503977号 技术支持: 太轮科技